Up, Up and Away

So, our trip to Armenia was as normal as one could expect with 9 checked bags, 5 carry ons, 2 kids, and a dog.
The United flight from LAX to Dulles Airport was hell. Security and stupid airport workers contibuted to us almost missing both flights. It took forever for us to accomplish everything and it is a miricle that the dog made it. The security lines were stupid and long. I kept wanting to make jokes about lip gloss and bottled water, but I somehow sensed that my fellow travellers were not in the mood for by b team comedy act.
The Austrian Airlines flight was o.k. We got to Vienna and was able to get to our day hotel near the airport. Spent my 42nd birthday at a near by restaurant with the family and the dog. The waitress even brought out a bowl of water for the dog. We had some sausages and took a picture, got stuck in a rainstorm, then headed back to the hotel to get our stuff to get to the airport for the final leg of the flight.
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