…the continuing story of Houry and the hair washing fortune teller
So, first a bit of history: In July of 2005 when we were in Armenia for a month, Houry and the girls visited our friend’s (Rouzana) hair salon. This was a day or two after we decided to purchase our condo at the top of the Cascade in Yerevan. While Houry was at the salon, the lady that washes hair read her Armenian coffee cup. She tells Houry that she sees a bunch of stairs that lead up to a house that we are going to buy. Houry comes home and tells me this and we laugh (while being kind of scared!). I told her that the lady probably saw the brochure from the complex in her purse and that is how she came up with the stairs and buying the house thing.
O.K. so fast forward to a few days ago. Houry comes home from the salon and tells us that the lady read her cup again. This time she said that she sees two boats in her cup and that she sees important dates in her cup including the 15th and the 30th of the month. Now we are freaked out. Let me explain. Our furniture, cars and clothes were suppose to be loaded into one shipping container in Los Angeles and shipped to Yerevan. The jackasses at the dock loaded the first container badly and simply left out about 8 pallets of our stuff. So we had to arrange for another partial container to bring the rest of our stuff to Yerevan (thus the two boats!). Still skeptical as to our hair washing cup reader’s power? Well, this past week we purchased airline tickets for us to return to Los Angeles over the holidays. Houry’s ticket departs Yerevan on the 30th of the month. The girls and I depart on the 15th of the following month. Great news, she also said that everything is going to work out just fine!
On to another topic—our condo (Grrrr!)
So after visiting every day or every other day for the last two weeks, Houry and I blew up at the project manager yesterday afternoon. The place was supposed to be completed in January. Then January became April became August. Then we arrived and were promised a move in date of September 25. Now it is October 5 and while the end may be near, we have essentially accepted the fact that if we go and harass them perhaps we can move in after the first of the year. O.K. if this is the case we are o.k., however, now we need to find another place to move to. So, we are now searching for the next apartment to move to on October 25. Good news is our stuff is still not here so we are only moving the same suitcases we have been living out of for the last month and a half. It is kind of sad because Goofy now has his favorite neighborhood trees, cats to chase, etc. Oh well, the adventure continues…
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